Monday, December 29, 2008

Why Spongebob can't get his driver's license

I'm sure everyone has at least heard of Spongebob Squarepants and, if you haven't, I wonder: where have you been for the last few years?

Anyway, if you've seen the show, you know that one of the main running gags behind the show is that Spongebob fails his driving test and has to go to boating school (as they drive boats underwater instead of cars) again and again and again. I love seeing the shenanigans involved with SPongebob crashing his boat, sending his driving instructor, Mrs. Puff, to hospital, and maiming spectators to said shenanigans, but I thought this was blog-worthy.

So, I wonder: why can't poor SPongebob get his driver's license?

He's been to boating school so many times that it's not funny, yet he constantly fails his driving test. In the episode "Boating School," we can see that even Patrick can help him pass, but finding out that what he did (put a walkie-talkie inside his head and had Patrick give him the answers) was cheating caused him to not only feel incredibly guilty, but crash...again.

What I don't get is that even Patrick managed to get his boating license; I mean, come on. Patrick. And he's retarded as all get out.

Now, there was an episode where Mrs. Puff got fired and a new boating instructor was brought in. Spongebob did learn how to drive, albeit blindfolded, but it turned out that he was unteachable.

So, as the driving test isn't that hard (Patrick passed it, for cripes sake), the problem must lie with Spongebob. -shrugs- I guess driving isn't for everyone, apparently, even though he can pedal a unicycle fast enough to keep up with a car.

-sigh- Well, I don't know that Spongebob will ever get his license (he got it once, but that was because Mrs. Puff gave it to him after he completed some "extra credit," which was only because she was so tired of having him in class that she gave him a ten-word essay called "What I learned in boating school is..." and accepted it anyway, despite the fact that Spongebob started to freak out under the pressure. She eventually revoked it, though). If he doesn't, it will make for some more hilarious driving hijinks involving Spongebob, a boat, and surely, massive destruction. If he does...well, the series will probably end.



  1. I love Spongebob but hes naive, oblivious to the obvious facts of life and not to mention childish and silly, thats why he cant pass his driving test.

  2. Spongebob Squarepants is nothing more or less than an overgrown child, which makes him unsuitable for anything else than to be a fry cook without a boating license, as he is simply incapable of maturing to adulthood.

  3. I think the reason he cant get his license is simply because he is a very nervous student driver. It must be a condition he has to deal with all his life, making it difficult to pass his driving test.

  4. He is nervous and anxious. He can cook, which is easy enough. Patrick is always relaxed.

    Spongebob is smart, but he is too nervous and forgets.

  5. If anybody remembers the episode "The Sponge Who Could Fly" I bet the reason SpongeBob wanted to fly was because SpongeBob can't get a driver's license. So the residents of Bikini Bottom shouldn't have been asking him for favors, because those inflatable pants should have helped him get to where he had to go because he never got a driver's license.

  6. its because spongebob is yellow and asian people are yellow and asian people cant drive

  7. say hes stupid one more time or square up no pun intended
