Saturday, December 27, 2008

Katy Perry

Imagine how intrigued I was to hear one day that there was a song called "I Kissed A Girl" by an artist that I'd never heard of before, by the name of Katy Perry. Surprisingly, I managed to avoid even hearing the song until a few weeks ago, when I bit the bullet and looked up the video on YouTube.

I really wish I hadn't, as I haven't been able to get the lyrics to that song out of my head since.

Apparently, Perry's relatively new to the music scene, and she took it by storm with "Kissed A Girl," then with subsequent hits like "Hot 'N' Cold" and "Ur So Gay."

Now, what I don't get is why she's so popular. Yes, her songs are irritatingly catchy, but when one actually listens to the lyrics, one will realize that most of the time, they're just poppy, AABB rhyme scheme lyrics with messages like "I have a boyfriend, but I kissed a girl because I wanted to experiment while drinking, so I hope he doesn't mind, tee hee!" and "Your so gay because of [these reasons] and you don't even like boys just because I said so." I mean, look at the chorus to "I Kissed A Girl:"

I kissed a girl
and I liked it
The taste of her cherry Chapstick
I kissed a girl
just to try it
I hope my boyfriend don't mind it
It felt so wrong
It felt so right
Don't mean I'm in love tonight
I kissed a girl
and I liked it
I liked it

I mean..."The taste of her cherry chapstick?" That doesn't really make sense, as it doesn't fit in with the chorus, and it sounds like, while she really liked kissing this girl, her ideas about "what good girls do" and "what [she's] used to" are interfering with her homosexual tendencies. But, I digress. This isn't a blog about homosexuality.

Oh, on a quick note, there's a part in the song where she praises tributes girls possess, like "skin so touchable" and whatnot. It sounds to me like she REALLY liked kissing this girl (whoever she was, as apparently, her name didn't matter to Perry), but who am I to judge? This is about Perry.

Anyway, I will admit that Perry is attractive, but there's something about her voice that throws me off. Could it be the husky contralto coming out of this skinny white girl's mouth? Perhaps, but I've heard that she can't really sing live, which is disappointing, for reasons that I've listed in my "Amy Lee" blog.

So, it looks to me like Perry's one of those pop singers who will either:
a) have a few more catchy, poppy hits and fade into oblivion like so many before her,
b) have way more poppy, catchy hits and end up having a career akin to Britney Spears.

But, as I can't see the future, I guess we'll have to wait and see. I guess, for now, I'm stuck agonising over how to get that damn song out of my head.

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