Thursday, February 5, 2009

Why people don't like to open doors

First of all, if you're wondering what the picture's all about, it's Psyche opening the door into Cupid's garden. There ya go.

Anyway, I've noticed an interesting behaviour in students that attend the university I go to. Most of the time, it's in between classes, but what could I be talking about?

It would seem that people don't like to open doors.

I'll give an example to show what I'm talking about. Let's say Person A is walking somewhere, and Person B is about twenty feet behind them. Now, Person A opens the door to a building, and Person B runs to catch the door before it closes.

Yes, there are times when one wouldn't have to open the door because one is walking directly behind someone, but twenty feet away?

It leads me to believe that the students at my uni find opening doors an inconvenience and will do anything, including scrambling for a closing door, to avoid doing it. I mean, why else would this occur?

Now, I'll admit, opening doors is probably one of the most mundane activities one can perform, but when one actually thinks about it, doors are pretty much an amazing invention. I mean, you hear about people with special abilities that can walk through walls or look at a ghost going through the wall and think, "Man, I wish I could do that!" Well, you can. Just open a door. Perhaps if more people thought about this, opening a door would seem like a magical activity and bring back some of the wonder often lost in today's world.

I digress. In any case, it seems odd to me that people would rather run for a closing door to avoid having to open it, rather than not expending the extra effort to run and opening it? Maybe it's a warped version of laziness, maybe it's just people trying to get a small amount of exercise in this hectic world of ours; whatever the reason, I don't get it.

So, perhaps I'll peddle my wares around campus as a doorman; who knows? I might just make a killing.


  1. Pfft. A my uni, it was all revolving doors. They went so fast, you'd think that going through revolving doors was an Olympic sport everyone was training for.

  2. Oh, Morgey, it's so refreshing to see you reading this. :)

    Anyway, I WISH it was revolving doors here. Actually, I don't, because I wouldn't have written this blog.

    And the Olympic sport comment made me lol. :)

  3. I've been reading it for a while, I just never commented. Ha.

    Super-speedy revolving doors aren't fun though. You have to sprint to get through alive. D:

    I do the running to get through the door thing, but normally it's because someone is holding it open, and it's sort of rude to take your time when they do that.

    And thanks. :p

  4. I chalk it up to laziness as well. I've seen places that have two doors side by side and people will walk up and stand in front of one door while a line of people walk out the other door and then they will walk in through the door that is already open instead of opening the one they just stood in front of for like 30 seconds. It's ridiculous to say the least.
